Tell me, as if we were talking together slumped on the sofa
Ce projet est une installation sonore. Positionnée dans un coin, afin d’impliquer le corps dans l’écoute. On se voûte, on tend l’oreille pour écouter les confidences.
Plusieurs voix racontent dans leur langue maternelle une histoire d’amours ratée, manquée ou impossible qu’ils ont vécus par le passé. Quelques bribes d’anglais se glissent entre les monologues pour capter l’auditeur même s’il n’a pas la possibilité de comprendre la langue en question. On sent à travers l’enregistrement l’intimité du récit, l’implication du corps des différentes personnes interrogées racontant leur histoire seule face au micro. Il s’agit d’écouter la mélodie des langues parler de ce sujet universel, d’histoires d’amour qui n’ont pas abouties.
On lit écrit sur le mur :
Did you ever live some interrupted love stories?
An impossible love choked by yourself
or him/her,
An unsuccessful love story for you
or the other,
A missed love,
A love, which could have started (again), but…
A love, which finally could not work, in any kind of way.
Tell me as if we were talking together
slumped on the sofa, lit by a discreet light arrange in the corner of the living room.
This project is a sound installation. The body of the listener must curve to listen; he must come close and listen carefully to the confidences.
Different voices are talking about interrupted or missed out love stories. The people registered are talking in their mother tongues (Dutch, Catalan, Italian, French and Greek), interspersed by English moments to catch the listener, even if he cannot understand the language he listens to. Through the monologues and the engagement of the voices, one can feel the privacy of the moment.
Taking the time to listen to the record is listening to the melody of languages talking about this universal subject: love stories that did not succeed.
Written on the wall:
Did you ever live some interrupted love stories? […]
(The entiere text is noted above, in the French paragraph)
On s’approche au creux du mur et on entend :
We come next to the wall and we can hear:

2019, Sound installation, 52’20’’